I cannot even begin to tell you just how crazy the night began. Tonight was the night That Anthony Head got to see the insanity that Repo has become… for his first time! Out in the lobby, before the film started, Star Terrence Zdunich was surrounded by adoring fans as well. The fans went crazy forming a mob at the sight of the Repo man himself, asking for autographs, taking pictures, and pledging their love to him. Stars Alexa Vega, Terrence Zdunich, and Darren Smith, director Darren Lynn Bousman, Music Producer Joe Bishara, DP Joseph White, and Producer Carl Mazzocone were ALL in attendance tonight! Fans had come from all over, even from far away states for the show. The Los Angeles Repo shows have been special for everyone involved, so it is no surprise that the film sold out, but even without announcing the special guest, the SOLD OUT line to get in was wrapped around the massive complex that houses the Sunset 5. Across the North America Repo has been playing NON STOP every weekend since its initial release and the films popularity just continues to grow! Proof of that was seen tonight in San Antonio, with their monthly shadowcast and here in Los Angeles, with a special unannounced guest in attendance ANTHONY STEWART HEAD. In that time the film has gone from a weird horror rock opera and box office failure, to an event needing to be seen to believe.

In my ongoing coverage about the film Repo! The Genetic Opera, tonight’s event in Los Angeles was quite historic! This weekend marks the 5th month since its official release in November.